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I think the vape connection is simply a distraction. Having your lungs fucked...

3498 c043

I think the vape connection is simply a distraction. Having your lungs fucked up after breathing in vapour of a liquid manufactured in China? You don't need a virus for that, most of Chinese products are poison, you just don't put them in your lungs like vape liquid.

For me there are currently two theories that hold water: China bio-weapon lab fuckup and glownigger attack. The first is self explanatory, the second is more tinfoil, but here's why I regard it as a possibility:

- the US can't contain Chinese expansion by economic warfare alone and is incapable of prosecuting an all-out war against a somewhat competent and well-armed adversary.

- half a century of gay ops didn't destroy Iran, they don't bend the knee to economic sanctions and attacking them militarily would result in the most costly and unpopular war the US ever attempted. Read More »